New Quick View features to Come With Motorola Razr Android 10 Update

Motorola released its first-ever foldable smartphone Motorola Razr about six months ago, which looks exactly like the original Razr. The phone came with mid-range specs for exorbitant pricing and to make things more disappointing for fans, it ran Android 9 Pie out of the box. But thankfully, Motorola has finally announced the release of Motorola Razr Android 10 update.
The update will bring the foldable phone at par with other devices that are running the latest Android version. It brings all the major features included in the version along with security fixes and performance improvements. The unique thing about the update is that it further adds a number of new Quick View features to make the secondary external display more useful.
The Quick View display can now be used for accessing favorite contacts by simply swiping left. Similarly, users will be able to swipe right to open the camera and capture selfies quickly. The quick camera mode has been made more efficient as it now offers features like Portrait Mode, Group Selfie, and Spot Color among others.


 One of the best additions is the support for the keyboard on the external display. It will allow users to type full replies to messages and emails without having to unfold the phone. Lastly, Quick View display now supports a bunch of apps like Google Maps, Spotify, Pandora, and YouTube Music for quick access.
As it is the case with software updates, Motorola Razr users will receive it in batches. A user can also check for the update manually by visiting the phone’s system settings. It is advised that whenever it becomes available, connect to a WiFi network before starting the downloading process.
The Motorola legal disclaimer says that the feature is currently available in the U.S. only, with availability in countries outside the U.S. expected by software update sometime in May 2020.



I'm an Architect, Urban Designer, Web Designer, and TechSavvy. I attained two degrees from FUTA, Ondo State, Nigeria. As well, I'm currently pursuing my 3rd degree. Interests in Building Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Advance Technology. Connect with me 👇

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