9 Main Reasons Why your Emails Go to Spam – Solutions
why are my emails going to spam?, why my emails go to spam

why are my emails going to spam?, why my emails go to spam
There are many reasons your email goes to Spam. What does this mean? it means that your emails are not getting to your receiver or subscriber inbox but to the spam box.
You are not a spammer, yet your email ended up in spam. The email algorithm has been programmed to make intelligent decisions by filtering emails.
The things you are probably doing wrong are what I am going to discuss in this article and what you need to do to avoid your email going to the spam box.
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9 Main Reasons why your Emails Goes to Spam
In the global rating, 80-84% of emails go to the inbox which places it on the positive side. What this means is that 1 of 6 emails goes to spam. The factors for the cause of the 16% that ends in spam which you must avoid are identified below;
1. Email Headline/Subject is Misleading
Your email will most likely end up in spam if your email headline/subject is misleading or manipulative. The email algorithm is programmed to be triggered if it notices any abnormality. Most of the time, promotional emails whose subject lines are manipulative or not direct end up in spam.
Other things that can contribute to your email ending are spam including spelling and grammar errors and unsecure links like phishing links.
So, You have to avoid these aforementioned.
2. No Unsubscribe Link
Subscribers should be able to opt-out any time they want. Your email will most likely end up in the Spam box if you fail to provide the unsubscribe link below your mail. When it comes to promotional emails, having the unsubscribe link gives your email some level of trust.
Not having the unsubscribe link can make the receiver or subscriber report your mail as spam, and if the number of reports increases from other subscribers, your mail will automatically be classified as spam email.
The unsubscribe link must also be a secured link, otherwise, subscribers would most likely tag your email as spam or the email algorithm would figure it out automatically.
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3. Your IP Has Been Compromised
If you are on a shared IP address, there is a high chance your email will be compromised if any of the other users on the IP is using the IP for something illegal or spamming thereby making your emails go to the spam box. Your mails can also end up in spam if the server IP is not properly configured or if your email is not set up on TLS authentication.
Not having an IP Return Path Certificate and Not having an inbox for a “from email” OR “reply-to” email address that is used while sending the email over the IP could also be the cause of the problem.
What could be helpful for you if you are on a shared IP, in this case, is for you to do a background check on other websites running on the same IP address with you to see what they are doing.
If you’re an individual or organization that sends thousands of emails every month, then you should consider having your own dedicated IP address.
Recommended: Free IP Checker – Find your IP Address
4. Poorly Design Email
Your business is your property and as you make your bed, so you must lie on it. If you must do it, do it right so you can get positive feedback.
It is very easy to identify a poorly designed email or a properly designed email. So paying attention to every detail is important before sending it out to your subscribers. Your email must follow the guidelines;
- it should have an image related to the email subject with the alt tag.
- optimization and responsiveness are very important. It should be mobile-friendly and desktop compatible.
- the email content should be clear and easy to understand and should not contain unsecured links.
- Key functions like the Subject, introduction, main body, and conclusion should be clearly structured in your mail.
- send your email using a secured top-level domain so that the subscribers can trust the source.
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5. Poor Email Engagement
The engagement of your subscribers is also a determining factor. The positive engagement of your subscribers is monitored by the mail service provider and this helps them in decision making.
If your subscriber engages frequently with your emails, this will increase your chance of positive mail delivery. This is why point number 4 is important.
Also, avoid using an email address that doesn’t have a unique or clear name. e.g emails like “dse?swCAQ@yourwebsite.com” will most likely end up in the spam box than emails like “support@wapmastazone.com“, “info@wapmastazone.com“.
If you have a unique or organic email list, you have a higher chance of getting your mail delivered to the inbox. Buying an email list won’t yield any positive results as you will end up getting low engagement.
6. Bad Domain History
It has often been said that “history doesn’t repeat itself but people repeat history”. It is important you do a background check before buying any domain. A domain might have been used to do illegal activities in the past. Buying a domain without a background check will surely affect your engagement on the internet. Such domain could have been blacklisted on many servers. Knowing this fact will help you avoid making mistakes.
Archive.org is an internet archive that can help you determine if a domain has been used before or not. It is a digital internet library created in 1996 that keeps track of domain activities.
So, I strongly recommend that you always do a background check before buying any domain. You can also check the whois record of the domain using free domaintools.
Recommended: Free domain generator
Recommended: Take up to 75% off any domain – Search Here
7. You Are Targeting the Wrong Audience
The audience is one of the most important factors. If your emails are not going to the right audience, then your email would be left unread by the majority of the subscribers or your email would end up in spam.
You must ensure that the right audiences are your target when building your email list. Using a good opt-in software or plugin is a factor you should also put into consideration.
8. Using Spam Trigger Words
You might be so eager to sell your products thereby making you use manipulative words that can capture the attention of your subscribers. The trigger words are part of the reasons your mail will end up in the spam.
You need to be intelligent in your email design and delivery. You should avoid using spam trigger words like;
Click here now, amazing offer, 60% free, 3 more days left, you have been selected, you won, open now.
Understand that email providers are frequently updating their services and today’s technology has made it easy for them in decision making.
If your emails are often been flagged, making complaints to your email service provider might be helpful.
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9. You are Violating Subscribers’ Email Privacy
This is an important rule of engagement you must never break. Sending emails to the subscriber that didn’t grant you permission or that didn’t subscribe to your email list is a violation of privacy.
Buying an email list can cost you a fortune of almost $16,000 penalty, as this illegal act is against the CAN-SPAM Act.
Build your email list organically. Yes, it takes time, but that is the best way. By doing so, you will get much engagement from your subscribers.
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How to Avoid Emails Going to Spam
I have already identified the solutions to the aforementioned problems. But below are the solutions in points;
- Target the right audience
- Ensure your mail subject line is not misleading
- Provide unsubscribe links.
- Be sure your IP address has not been compromised
- Your mail must be properly designed
- Use a trusted opt-in email Builder to build your email list
- Ensure that you are getting good engagement from your subscribers
- Do a background check before buying any domain name
- Don’t use spam trigger words
- Do not buy an email list and do not invade subscriber’s privacy.
- Tell your subscribers to whitelist your emails
- Contact your email service provider if need be, and prove your authenticity to their support.
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Spam Email Frequently Asked Question
What is a spam email?
A spam email is an unapproved email sent to subscribers that mostly end up in the spam box. Spam emails are mostly manipulative and sometimes contain phishing links.
Why do emails go to spam?
The reasons have been stated above, but here are the most common;
- Manipulative titles /subjects / headlines
- Compromised IP Address
- Unavailability of unsubscribe link
- poorly designed mail
- Mail body having phishing link or spam attachment
How can I know if my emails have gone to spam?
It is impossible for you to know if your emails have ended in spam. The only way you can know is if you are getting low engagement.
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why my emails go to spam?, why are my emails going to spam?, why do my emails go to spam?.