The School Cycle – What We Were Not Taught in School

the school cycle – I’m sure you still remember this Primary school Mathematics. I mean the one where you were told that if you try to subtract a greater number from a lesser one, IT CANNOT GO!
For instance, that: 3 minus 5 = ‘It Cannot go’!
I don’t know if it is different now. But the above was what we met back then in our Primary school days, we could argue to any length that it is the right thing.I mean, how can you subtract five houses from just three houses? You must be out of your mind to think you can do that.
But finally, it happened – we went out of our childish mind as we left primary school and entered Secondary school! (As we just left the last decade and entered the new one, there should also be a mental shift).In Secondary school, we now found that 3 minus 5 has always been possible even while we were taught and we thought otherwise in the Primary school. Now, 3 minus 5 is minus 2 (-2).
So, What actually changed?
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Nothing, but the fact that we advanced!, Growth entails accessing higher possibilities. you can tell you’ve grown by looking at what you find possible now that weren’t possible to you something ago.So, while in the Primary school we were being taught that 3 minus 5 was impossible, some others in the Secondary school were living with the possibility. That should teach one that he shouldn’t argue with people who doubt what he believes is possible – everyone is not in the same class!, And if there is something someone is telling you that is possible and you don’t believe it is, simply don’t argue as that would only expose your class.
You recall that the Bright brothers who invented the first airplane had their father doubt the possibility of that. You can tell who was in the junior class here And can I tell you what I found out?, When it comes to higher possibilities in life, the younger generation have the upper hand as they are also record breakers. That should not make any young person to start disrespecting elders otherwise generations following will pay such with the same coin.
Back to our Maths example, the possibility of a greater number being subtracted from a lesser on has always existed but we were not exposed to that at the time being that we hadn’t grown as some others who lived with the possibility already. Isn’t it amazing that certain things we look forward to as the future is to some others part of their present-day experiences, or even in the past for some?!
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While someone sees the future as when he or she gets to marry, another has been living in that reality for decades. So, if what you see as ‘the future’ is what someone else has already gotten, then it better be ‘your future’ not ‘the future’.
The real future is eternity, which is where everyone here journeys towards.
Once again, in Secondary school Mathematics, it was taught that square root of any negative number (e.g. √-4, √-25) is indeterminable. However, getting to the Higher Institution, one finally realises the possibility of that under ‘Complex Number’ computations.
This is a new year/decade. What will make it so for you are those higher possibilities you’re going to be accessing. It all start by believing that more is still possible with and through you; that your current state is not your final reality.
credit: Onyi Nnebedum
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